Q: What was your first gay bar experience like?
A: Mine was scary. My first gay bar was in Regina the day my semester of bible school ended. I somehow found the listing in the phone book at a public telephone (those are not a thing anymore). I walked up and down the street for over an hour before I went because I was terrified and dealing with a whole lot of religious guilt. Finally went in. It was a small place and every single person turned to look at the new person. I stood standing there frozen and a waiter came up and asked if I wanted a drink…a female voice came from behind me, ”no he won’t drink…bring him a coke”. There behind me was another student from bible school. She was a few years older than me and my first thought was to run, but she just said, “it’s cool” and went to play pool. The rest of the story I’ll tell you when you are older! Hehe
Q: How did your lives pre EVO prepare you for this? How did they not?
A: Our lives have been so multi-faceted. We have lived in Edmonton, Vancouver, Palm Springs, Calgary then Edmonton. I have managed a program for 300+ kids with disabilities and their families. Worked on special Ed in Schools, then Scott and I were foster parents for 10 years. From there we went to Palm Springs and bought a couple of clothing optional men’s resorts with our partners Drew and Gord. We did that for a dozen years and met so many amazing people in the dance, dj and adult entertainment scene. It was in PS that we learned how to throw a party and people would travel from lol over the world to attend. From there we moved back to Calgary and looked for opportunities there. Rob moved down and we were looking at a few different options there. When nothing came together we saw the space where Evo is now listed and came back to Edmonton. The rest is history!
Q: What are some of your most special EVO memories?
A: I loved our opening weekend event with ChiChi and a bunch of porn stars. At the very top of the list though I would have to put having the incredible Leslie Jordan at the club for a one man show. Just incredible…CoCo Peru was also an amazing night. So talented and such moving stories. I was awe struck…the other thing that always comes to mind is our first All Ages Show at the club. Seeing the kids there with their parents, dancing and laughing and Vanity hosting and everyone dancing to We are Family at the end…I could hardly imaging a more beautiful scene. Pure love and joy and family. Still makes me tear up!
Q: Shout out a former staff member you miss, and why
A: Bet ya can’t pick just one! This shout out goes to all our our originals. You helped us create something that wasn’t done before in a club in this city. You each brought your own magic and helps us create magic. You stuck with us through our growing pains and a big learning curve. Big thanks to all of you.
Q: What has ten plus year taught you?
A: Landlords are a pain in the ass…insurance is insanely expensive…neighbours can be a challenge…that we always need to keep learning…pandemics are as scary when they are over and you are trying to rebuild when you did all you can to keep the doors open as the virus was….mostly though that through everything…this community is amazing and the people are worth all of the tears, fears and jeers along the way. PS. The love has always been greater than all the other things!

Q: What advice do you give to the next generation of queer nightlife goers?
A: Remember that you deserve to have fun and you get to love as freely as you do because of the generations that came before you and fought to make spaces like this for you. That you have a lot to teach those who came before you but do it with patience. To treat the staff and management at any place you go because they are busting their asses to give you a good time. To support the businesses that support you all year. Running a business like this is crazy expensive and no one is getting rich off you so support gay business, your local bar and the talent – especially the local talent that are world class even though you see them all the time!